Marijke and Theo’s 25th Anniversary Wine Tour

Marijke and Theo were given a Swan Valley wine tour by friends to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. They were pleasantly surprised when the Jaguar convertible arrived at their home to take them for an enjoyable day visiting wineries and breweries. The focus was on dry white wines and beers and the day began in the cellar room at John Kosovich Winery. A highlight for the couple was finding so many new places that they can share with friends in the future.

Belle wine tours of the Swan Valley give you the flexibility to visit venues that match your interest and the option to tour in a classic Jaguar through to a modern Chrysler or Hummer limo.

Featured Swan Valley Venues

Chapel Farm

Feral Brewery

Jane Brook Winery

John Kosovich

Lancaster Winery

Oakover Winery


Jaguar Mk5 convertible

swan valley wine tour
Sampling the wines at John Kosovich Winery
limos perth
Theo and Marijke enjoying the Jaguar convertible
swan valley wine tour
A relaxing stop at Chapel Farm is a great afternoon
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Attacking the tasting rack at Feral Brewery in the Swan Valley
oakover winery swan valley
Oakover Winery was a perfect lunch stop with a great range of wines and beer
perth wine tours
Lancaster Winery staff are always very friendly
limos perth
Congratulations Theo and Marijke

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