Limousine Wine Tours at Swan Valley Wineries


Swan Valley Wine Tours

The Swan Valley is home to a great selection of wineries that range from rustic family vineyards that still operate much as they did several generations ago, small family holdings producing a range of single vineyard wines, sophisticated boutique vineyards producing exceptionally well crafted wines from premium grapes sourced throughout the state, right through to multi-award winning, internationally recognised businesses that produce tens of thousands of bottles of wine each year. The beauty of Swan Valley limo wine tours in our luxury Chrysler limos, Rolls Royce limousines or classic cars is that you can experience a great cross-section of wineries all within a day. It is possible to enjoy several wine tours in the Swan Valley each having quite a different focus and set of venues.

limousine wine tour
A group enjoying the day at Lancaster Winery

Getting your wine tour organised is easy, simply send in the inquiry form noting your general preferences for the day and we’ll get back to you with general information via email and a brief planning discussion by phone when you are ready to proceed with the booking. We’ll accommodate your preferences or simply take you on a tour of valley highlights if you are a novice to wine tasting and the Swan Valley.

The opening times of most of the wineries is from 10.30-11.00am through to 4.30pm on their trading days. Many of the independent wineries may vary opening times and days unexpectedly if there is little business on a day and variations occur across the seasons, especially in winter and on public holidays – it is best to phone ahead and confirm opening times if you are planning a self drive tour.

Weekend tour groups can greatly increase the number of visitors to the wineries so Belle Limousines will always book a schedule for your tour and it is wise to plan and book your schedule if you are planning a self drive tour, especially on Saturdays and Sundays. Unlike some of the limo businesses offering wine tours Belle Classic Limousines will organise your schedule and book all venues so the day will run smoothly.

Swan Valley Wineries

Ambrook Winery

2810 West Swan Road Caversham (08) 9274 1003

Banara Wines

Benara Road Caversham

Black Swan Winery

8600 West Swan Road  Henley Brook  (08) 9296 6090

rolls royce hire

Carilley Estate Winery

23 Hyem Road  Herne Hill  (08) 9296 6190

swan valley wine tours

Chapel Farm

231 Toodyay Road Middle Swan  (08) 9250 4755

swan valley wine tours

Coward & Black Wines

5123 West Swan Road   (08) 6274 4040

rolls royce wraith

Darlington Estate Winery

1495 Nelson Road Darlington (08) 9299 6268

perth hills winery

Edgecombe Brothers Winery

1733 Gnangara Road  Henley Brook (08) 9296 4307

swan valley winery

Entopia Winery

61 Memorial Avenue Baskerville   (08) 9296 0062

Faber Vineyard

233 Haddrill Road  Baskerville (08) 9296 0209

classic wine tours

Fig Tree Estate Wines

100 Bisdee Road Millendon  (08) 9296 2669

Garbin Estate Wines

209 Toodyay Road Middle Swan  (08) 9274 1747

vintage limo hire

Harris Organic Wines

Memorial Avenue  Baskerville

swan valley wine tours

Heafod Glen Winery

8691 West Swan Road Henley Brook (08) 9296 3444

chesters restaurant

Henley Park Winery

Swan Street  Henley Brook (08) 9296 4328

perth wine tous

Houghton’s Winery

Dale Road Middle Swan (08) 9274 9540

chrysler limo wine tours

Jane Brook Estate Winery

229 Toodyay Road Middle Swan (08) 9274 1432

fun wine tasting tours

Jarrah Ridge Winery

651 Great Northern Highway Herne Hill – Jarrah Ridge is currently closed awaiting a new owner

swan valley tours

John Kosovich Winery

180 Memorial Avenue  Baskerville (08) 9296 4356

chrysler limousine wine tours

Jumbuck Hill Winery

217 Copley Road Upper Swan 0428 887 781

Kafarela’s Vineyard

706-712 Great Northern Highway Herne Hill (08) 9296 0970

Lamonts Winery

85 Bisdee Road  Millendon (08) 9296 1663

white chrysler limousines

Lancaster Winery

5228 West Swan Road West Swan (08) 9250 6461

stretch limo wine tours

The Laughin’ Barrel Winery

247 Haddrill Road Baskerville (08) 9296 1348

Little River Winery

2 Forest Road  Henley Brook (08) 9296 4462

swan valley wineriesMandoon Winery

Off Reid Highway Middle Swan

limos perth

Mann Winery

Memorial Avenue  Baskerville

rolls royce limos

Oakover Winery

14 Yukich Close Middle Swan  (08) 9374 8000

limo wine tours

Olive Farm Wines

920 Great Northern Highway Millendon (08) 9296 4539

swan valley wine tours

Pinelli Wines

30 Bennett Street  Caversham (08) 9279 6818

limousine wine tours

RiverBank Estate Winery

126 Hamersley Road Caversham (08) 9377 1805

classic car hire

Sandalford Winery

West Swan Road Caversham (08) 9374 9301

swan valley wine tours

Sittella Winery

100 Barrett Street, Herne Hill (08) 9296 2600

classic wine tours in perth

Swanbrook Winery

38 Swan Street  Henley Brook  (08) 9296 3100

limo hire perth

Swan Valley Wines

261 Haddrill Road Baskerville (08) 9296 1501

Talijancich Wines

26 Hyem Road  Herne Hill (08) 9296 4289

chrysler limousine hire

Tyler’s Vineyard

301 Padbury Avenue Millendon   0438 296 000

Twin Hill Wines

1093 Great Northern Highway  Baskerville (08) 9296 4272

The Ugly Duckling Winery

7790 West Swan Road, Swan Valley (08) 9296 0004

swan valley winery

Upper Reach Winery

77 Memorial Avenue  Baskerville (08) 9296 0078

luxury wine tour limousines

Windy Creek Estate

27 Stock Road  Herne Hill (08) 9296 1057

wine tasting venues

Swan Valley Limo Tour Information

Accommodation    Arts and Crafts     Breweries and Hotels    Distilleries

Places of Interest (not listed elsewhere)    Produce Suppliers

Reception Centres     Restaurants and Cafes     Wineries
