The Chapel of St Michael the Archangel
This beautiful chapel in West Leederville is one of Perth’s favourite wedding ceremony venues. The arrival of the wedding party’s classic wedding cars or vintage limousines moving slowing along the drive seems to fit perfectly with the venue.

The surrounding buildings (now used by the Catholic Education Centre) have a timeless character and complement the chapel’s aura.

The inside of the chapel is light, airy and big enough for a large wedding. To add to the impressive architecture the mature gardens on the site provide many textures to use as backgrounds for wedding photography.
Wedding car and limousine access
The formal entry drive is large enough for most forms of wedding transport and will easily accommodate Chrysler limousines and other stretch limos, however the grand style of the buildings is best suited to vintage and classic wedding cars.
The drive across the front of he complex adjacent to the chapel entrance is the best place for the wedding limousines to park during the ceremony. It is important to inform wedding guests to park in the car parks and leave the drive way and in front of the buildings clear. The wonderful photos that include the chapel and buildings look much better without a mismatch of guests cars across the front.
Parking at the Chapel of St Michael
There is ample parking at the Chapel of St Michael the Archangel for a large number of cars brought by wedding guest. Well at least this is true for Saturday and Sunday weddings when the staff of the Catholic Education Office are not at work.
Additional parking is at the rear of the complex.
The challenge for you is to ensure your guests park in the designated parking bays to the left and right of the buildings (as you arrive) and not along the front of the building or beside the chapel. If guests park here there cars will feature in your wedding photos at the venue instead of the character buildings that make the location so special.
We recommend that you deputise one of the family members attending the wedding to ensure that guests do not park along the front of the buildings. Reserve this space for your wedding cars and limousines.
Also ensure that guests do not park in a way that restricts cars turning onto the drive across the front of the building. This is especially true for larger stretch limousines that may need a three point turn to gain a safe entry into the drive even if it is not restricted. If your wedding limousine cannot access the drive you will need to walk from the end of the building or wait for a guest to be retrieved from the chapel to move their car.
Wedding cars at St Michael the Archangel’s Chapel
The Chapel of St Michael the Archangel is one of Perth’s most popular wedding ceremony locations. We assist with a wedding there most weeks of the year.
Entering from Ruislip Street
The verge crossing into the grounds is quite severe. You are better off planning to approach the venue from the eastern end of Ruislip Street to have a wider turning circle into the venue. The crossover needs to be driven slowly especially in the stretch Chrysler limousines. Once into the grounds veer to the left and travel clockwise around the loop driveway (unless instructed otherwise by the wedding party).
Turning right where the loop road heads across the front of the buildings is a sharp turn which may require a wide swing and a three point turn to negotiate. drive slowly and monitor the sides of the limousines.
Set down zone
The common set down zone is adjacent to the chapel entrance for the bridal car. Additional cars and limousines for the wedding party simply line up behind the bridal car at set down (unless requested differently by the bridal party or photographer).
Photographs on site
The linear arrangement of wedding cars at set down is not necessarily the best arrangement for photography after the ceremony. Liaise with the photographer if there is time before the ceremony and rearrange the cars into suitable positions for photos when the ceremony concludes (this is not safe to do once the wedding emerges and 100’s of people are occupying the area.
Once the crowd thins assist the photographer by moving the cars into various locations for the feature wedding photography on site.
Click on an image to open or close the gallery.
The Chapel of St Michael the Archangel contact information
Book through Catholic Education Office of WA
A 50 Ruslip St West Leederville
T (08) 6380 5200