Wedding Cars at the Quarry Amphitheatre


The Quarry Amphitheatre

The Quarry Amphitheatre is a picturesque venue on the western fringe of Perth. The old limestone quarry has been converted into a tiered amphitheatre for concerts. It has found a new purpose as a unique wedding venue that features views back toward the city lights at night creating a magical backdrop for the wedding.

perth wedding venues
Using a marquee on the stage area is a popular reception location

Weddings at the Quarry Amphitheatre

Over the many weddings we have assisted at the venue couples have used a variety of marquee and ceremony set-ups. It would be worth Googling images of weddings at the venue and having a picture of what you want when deciding the marquee set-up that you prefer. The grassed terraces are a popular feature for seating guests during the ceremony. The venue could be a challenge for elderly guests as the access stairs are quite steep.

perth wedding venues
The stairs at the Quarry Amphitheatre

The amphitheatre has many benefits:

  • it has an isolated atmosphere despite its central location
  • it has proven popular with couples using live music on the night
  • it is popular as an ‘all at one location’ ceremony and reception, however, we have delivered couples to the venue following a church service elsewhere.

Some issues to research before choosing the location are:

  • the catering and equipment supply route to the venue is via a very steep narrow access road means that the caterers will charge a premium to compensate for the difficult access. It is probably the most difficult catering venue in Perth
  • the bridal entry is via the steep stairs and possibly a longer walk if you use longer stretched limos.
  • the steep amphitheatre is not well suited for the very elderly of guests in a wheelchair
  • guests get lost finding the location – we often arrive with the bride while a stream of guests are arriving late.
perth wedding venues
A balloon celebration after the ceremony

Wedding limo access

The stage area can be accessed via the top entry road and a rear service road. As noted before the rear service road is via a very steep approach to the stage which is not suitable for limousines. Wedding cars may be able to drive to the rear of stage but the area is usually required by the other wedding suppliers and caterers on the day who will need to have access to the stage area. It is best not to consider the rear entrance for the wedding party.

wedding limos
Our Rolls Royce and Chrysler limousine at the top entrance

The main (top/front) entrance and car park can be accessed by any wedding car or stretch limousine, however, turning or reversing a stretch limo into the entrance road to the amphitheatre from the car park may be time consuming if the entry or car park is congested. Traditional wedding cars like our Rolls Royce or Jaguar Mk5s and smaller limousines are definitely an easier choice for the venue.

jaguar mk5 wedding car
Our Jaguar Mk5 convertible at the entry to the amphitheatre

Parking at the Quarry Amphitheatre

The Quarry Amphitheatre has a large dedicated car park for the venue that is situated along the guest entry level road. It is quite a walk from the far end of the car park to the venue so it is advisable to reserve some parking near the amphitheatre entry for guests who have mobility issues. It is possible for such guests to be dropped close to the stairs but the car will still need to more to the car park so there is good access for the wedding transport when it arrives.

Once the car park fills there is limited nearby parking so it is wise to do the maths on the expected number of guests cars vs the parking available if you are considering a large wedding at the venue.

End of night transfers

The venue is centrally located in the western suburbs of Perth but infrequently used so it is not a regular pick-up point for taxis and Uber cars. Many drivers from these services may have never been to the venue.

It is wise to pre-book end of night transport for the bride and groom and important guests (parents and grand parents) if they are not driving home. Your guests may also appreciate this advice.

Weddings end in the same time slot as many hotels, restaurants and various entertainment is also finishing and short call services like taxis and Uber quickly become saturated between 11.00pm and 12.30am. Quarry amphitheatre is an isolated place to find your self waiting for transport at the end of the night once the majority of guests have departed and it is a long dark walk to the nearest road if you are the last guest there.

Chauffeur’s information

The Quarry Amphitheatre is entered via a narrow drive off Oceanic  Drive. Be wary as you approach the entry because if you miss it it is a lengthy process to turn around and get back to the entrance especially at night and it is embarrassing with a limousine full of clients.

The entry drive is a one way loop that goes up to the amphitheatre car-park and returns on the Reabold Hill access road.

limousine access
Care must be taken to not drive past the access road off Oceanic Drive

Service entrance

As you drive up the entry road the first road off to the left is to the base of the amphitheatre and the service access to the venue.

Quarry Amphitheatre entrance

The Quarry Amphitheatre entrance is directly to the left as you enter the car park zone. It is a narrow road through the gated entrance. As noted above there is limited space at the top of the amphitheatre for cars to park and turn around and stretch limousines will need to reverse out if they are driven to the top of the amphitheatre.

Unless otherwise advised it is best to drive a bridal party straight into the amphitheatre entrance and reverse and turn the wedding cars or limousines around after the ceremony has begun ready for the exit.

Exit from the area is through the car park onto the Reabold Hill access road.

Quarry Amphitheatre contact details

Town of Cambridge

A   1 Waldron Drive City Beach

T   (08) 9385 7144

I   Quarry Amphitheatre (the website for the Quarry Amphitheatre appears to be disabled – contact the City of Cambridge)

Related information on our website

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