Wedding Limos at the Bell Tower Perth


The Bell Tower

The Swan Bells housed in the Perth Bell Tower have a wonderful history well deserving of a special and prominent memorial. Twelve of the bells were a gift to Western Australia for the bicentenary from the historic St Martin-in-the-Fields church in Trafalgar Square London and are thought to be the only ‘royal’ bells ever to leave England. The building was commissioned to celebrate the new millennium.

rolls royce wedding car
Our Rolls Royce Wraith dropping off at Barrack Square

The Bell Tower has become a popular wedding ceremony location complementing its tourism and cultural significance. Wedding ceremonies look out over the Swan River above the busy Barrack Street Jetty. The redesigned square in front of the Bell Tower provides a grand entry for couples using the venue.

wedding limousines perth
Perth Bells entrance plaza in Barrack Square

Wedding car and limousine access to the Barrack Street Jetty precinct

Vehicular access to the Barrack Street jetty area is normally not an issue. The access roads accommodate the regular bus services and all stretch Chrysler limousines and Hummers can negotiate the area with ease.

perth city wedding limos
Our Chrysler limousine at a Bell Tower wedding

Having said that, with the construction of the hotels around the Elizabeth Quay project traffic disruptions on the adjoining roads may be experienced getting into and from the Barrack Square area.

jaguar limousine
The Jaguar Mk5 limousine collecting a wedding party at Barrack Square

Once in the jetty area the biggest difficulty is parking. With limited parking and standing areas available it may not be possible for a wedding car or limousine to stay in the area after dropping off or wait in the area if clients are late for a scheduled pick-up time. If your limo is forced to leave the area and return it could require up to 15 minutes or more with the current roadworks for the limousine to do a loop of the surrounding streets and return.

vintage limo hire
The REO SpeedWagon dropping off at a Belle Tower wedding ceremony

As you can see by these recent photographs the appearance of Barrack Square is not very picturesque and the delays and unpredictability of traffic in the vicinity may mean it is best avoided until the construction is completed.

Bell Tower contact details

A   Barrack Square Perth

T   (08) 6210 0444

W  The Bell Tower

Related information on our website

limousine hire in perth
